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Journal Publications


J35)  Ogunseiju, O., Akanmu, A., Bairaktarova, D., Bowman, D., Jazizadeh, F., (2022). “Mixed Reality Environment for Learning Sensing Technology Applications in Construction: A Usability Study”, Advanced Engineering Informatics [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J34)  Panji, NS, Pahlavikhah Varnosfaderani, M., Marr, L., Heydarian, A., Jazizadeh, F., 2022, “Impact of Portable Air Cleaners and HVAC Ventilation on the Distribution of Simulated Respiratory Particles in a Room”, Indoor Air [ in review 


J33)  He, T., Jazizadeh, F., Arpan, L., 2021, “AI-powered Virtual Assistants Nudging Occupants for Energy Saving: Proactive Smart Speakers for HVAC Control”, Building Research and Information, DOI: 10.1080/09613218.2021.2012119[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex   


J32)  Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F., Eldardiry, H., 2021, “Two-Stage Clustering of Household Electricity Load Shapes for Improved Temporal Pattern Representation”, IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 151667-151680, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3122082., [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J31)  He, T., Chen, K., Jazizadeh, F., Reichard, G., 2021, “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)-based As-built Documentation of Buildings - A Comprehensive Parameter Assessment”, Automation in Construction, [in review]


J30) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2021, “Quantification of Demand-Supply Balancing Capacity among Prosumers and Consumers: Community Self-sufficiency Assessment for Energy Trading”, Energies 14, no. 14: 4318. [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J29) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2020, “A Machine Learning Framework for Inferring Time-of-Use of Flexible Loads: Residential Behavior Learning for Demand Response”, IEEE Access, ISSN 2169-3536, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J28) Khaghani, F., Jazizadeh, F. 2020, "mD-Resilience: A Multi-Dimensional Approach for Resilience-based Performance Assessment in Urban Transportation", Sustainability 2020, 12(12), 4879; [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J27) Jazizadeh, F., Joshi, V., Battaglia, F. 2020, "Adaptive and Distributed Operation of HVAC Systems: Energy and Comfort Implications of Active Diffusers as New Adaptation Capacities", Building and Environment, [Accepted] [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J26) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F. 2020, “Energy Efficiency Potentials of Integrating Personal Thermal Comfort Models into Operation of Building Systems: Comprehensive quantification through combinatorial consideration of influential factors”, Applied Energy, vol. 268, ISSN 0306-2619, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J25) Heydarian, A., McIlvennie, C., Arpan, L., Yousefi, S., Syndicus. M., Schweiker, M., Jazizadeh, F., Rissetto, R., Pisello, A.L., Piselli, C., Berger, C, Yan, Z, Mahdavi, A. 2020, “What Drives Our Behaviors in Buildings? A Review on Occupant Interactions with Building Systems from the Lens of Behavioral Theories”, Building and Environment,106928, ISSN 0360-1323, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex ]  


J24) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Residential loads flexibility potential for demand response using energy consumption patterns and user segments”, Applied Energy, vol. 254, ISSN 0306-2619, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J23) Paige, F., Agee, P., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “flEECe, an Energy Use and Occupant Behavior Dataset for Net-zero Energy Affordable Senior Residential Buildings”, Nature Scientific Data, vol. 6, issue 1, ISSN 2052-4463, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J22) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Data-driven identification of consumers with deferrable loads for demand response programs", IEEE Embedded Systems Letters; doi:10.1109/LES.2019.2937834 (Invited paper from ACM BuildSys '18) [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J21) Jung, W, Jazizadeh, F, and Diller, T. 2019, "Heat Flux Sensing for Machine-learning-based Personal Comfort Modeling”, Sensors, 19(17), 3691; [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J20) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2019, “Comparative assessment of HVAC control strategies using personal thermal comfort and sensitivity models”, Building and Environment, vol. 158, pp. 104-119, ISSN 0360-1323, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J19) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “An Automated Spectral Clustering for Multiscale Data", Neurocomputing, vol. 347, pp 94-108, ISSN 0925-2312,

[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J18) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F., Wang, J., 2019, “Self-Configuring Event Detection in Electricity Monitoring for Human-Building Interaction", Energy and Buildings, vol. 187, pp. 95-109, ISSN 0378-7788, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J17) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2019, “Human-in-the-loop HVAC operations: A quantitative review on occupancy, comfort, and energy-efficiency dimensions", Applied Energy, vol 239, pp. 1471-1508, ISSN 0306-2619, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J16) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Indoor Positioning through Visible Light Communication: A Performance-Based Survey of Real-World Prototypes", ACM Comput. Surv., vol 52(2), PP. 1-36. ISSN 0360-0300, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex

J15) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2018, “Vision-based Thermal Comfort Quantification for HVAC Control", Building and Environment, vol. 142, pp. 513-523, ISSN 0360-1323, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex

J14) Jeddi Yeganeh, A., Reichard, G., McCoy, AP., Bulbul, T., Jazizadeh, F. 2018, “Correlation of Ambient Air Temperature and Cognitive Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”, Building and Environment, vol. 143, pp. 701-716, ISSN 0360-1323, 

[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J13) Jazizadeh, F., Jung, W., 2018, “Inferring Thermal Comfort through Digital Video Images for Distributed HVAC Control", Applied Energy, vol. 220, pp. 829-841, ISSN 0306-2619, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J12) Jazizadeh, F., Becerik-Gerber, B., Berges, M. & Soibelman, L. 2014, "An unsupervised hierarchical clustering based heuristic algorithm for facilitated training of electricity consumption disaggregation", Advanced Engineering Informatics, vol. 28, Issue 4, pp. 311-326, ISSN 1474-0346, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J11) Ghahramani, A., Jazizadeh, F., Becerik-Gerber, B. 2014, "A knowledge-based approach for selecting energy-aware and comfort-driven HVAC temperature set points", Energy and Buildings, vol. 85, pp. 536-548, ISSN 0378-7788, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J10) Jazizadeh, F., Ahmadi S., Becerik-Gerber, B. & Soibelman, L. 2014, "Spatiotemporal lighting load disaggregation using light intensity signal", Energy and Buildings, vol. 69, pp. 572-583, ISSN 0378-7788, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J9) Jazizadeh, F., Ghahramani, A., Becerik-Gerber, B., Kichkaylo, T. & Orosz, M. 2014, "User-led decentralized thermal comfort-driven HVAC operations for improved efficiency in office buildings", Energy and Buildings, vol. 70, pp. 398-410, ISSN 0378-7788, 

[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J8) Jazizadeh, F., Marin, F. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2013, "A thermal preference scale for personalized comfort profile identification via participatory sensing", Building and Environment, vol. 68, pp. 140-149, ISSN 0360-1323, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J7) Jazizadeh, F., Ghahramani, A., Becerik-Gerber, B., Kichkaylo, T. & Orosz, M. 2014, "A human-building interaction framework for personalized thermal comfort-driven systems in office buildings", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Special Issue: Computational Approaches to Understand and Reduce Energy Consumption in the Built Environment, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 2-16,[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J6) Jahanshahi, M.R., Jazizadeh, F., Masri, S. F. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2012, "An unsupervised approach for autonomous pavement defect detection and quantification using an inexpensive depth sensor”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 27, no.6, pp. 743-754, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J5) Klein, L., Kwak, J., Kavulya, G., Jazizadeh, F., Becerik-Gerber, B., Varakantham, P. & Tambe, M. 2012, "Coordinating occupant behavior for building energy and comfort management using multi-agent systems”, Automation in Construction, vol. 22, pp. 525-536, ISSN 0926-5805,[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J4) Becerik-Gerber, B., Ku, K. & Jazizadeh, F. 2012, "BIM-enabled virtual and collaborative construction engineering and management”, Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice,  vol. 138, no. 3, pp. 234-245,[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J3) Becerik-Gerber, B., Jazizadeh, F., Li, N. & Calis, G. 2012, "Application areas and data requirements for BIM-enabled facilities management”, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, vol.138, no.3, pp. 431-442, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex ]


J2) Becerik-Gerber, B., Jazizadeh, F., Kavulya, G. & Calis, G. 2011, "Assessment of target types and layouts in 3D laser scanning for registration accuracy”, Automation in Construction, vol.20, no.5, pp. 649-658, ISSN 0926-5805,[ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex


J1) Jazizadeh, F. & Zarrati, A.R. 2008, "Development of a three-dimensional free surface numerical model to solve shallow water equations in compound channels”, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 35, no.9, pp. 963-974, [ Link ] | [ RIS ] | [ BibTex

  Conference Publications


C48) Nagori, C., Afsari, K., Jazizadeh, F., Gao, X., 2021, "Unmanned Aerial Manipulator (UAM) in Construction: Opportunities and Challenges", Proceedings of the ASC 57th Annual International Conference (ASC 2021), April 5 – 9, 2021, Chico, CA, USA


C47) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2021, “Understanding the Influence of Short-Term Thermal History on Personalized Thermal Comfort Votes", Proceedings of the 2021 eSIM - Building Simulation meets Building Data, May 2021, Vancouver, BC, Canada


C46) Joshi, V., Jazizadeh, F., Battaglia, F., 2021, “Establishing the Need for Context-Aware Adaptive Control for Energy Efficient HVAC Systems”, Proceedings of the 5th Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), April 5–8, 2020, New Orleans, LA, USA


C45) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F. & Ahmadian, M.,  2020, “Toward Railway Automated Defect Detection from Onboard Data Using Deep Learning”, Proceedings of the 2020 ASME Joint Rail Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (JRC 2020), April 20 – 22, 2020, St. Louis, MO, USA [Accepted]


C44) Khaghnai, F., Jazizadeh, F., 2020, “A Resilience-Based Priority-Setting Framework for Improvement of Roadways Performance in Consideration of Roadway Layout”, CRC 2020: Construction Research Congress, March 8-10, 2020, Tempe, Arizona, USA


C43) Ebrahim, F., Jazizadeh, F., Paige, F., 2020, “A Case of Optimizing HVAC System Performance When Every Dollar Counts”, CRC 2020: Construction Research Congress, March 8-10, 2020, Tempe, Arizona, USA


C42) Ebrahim, F., Paige, F., Jazizadeh, F., Nottingham, Q., 2020, “Monitoring HVAC System Performance for Affordable Housing Units in Montgomery County, Virginia”, 5th Residential Building Design & Construction Conference (RBDCC), March 4-6, 2020, State College, PA, USA


C41) Afzalan, M. & Jazizadeh, F., 2019, “Semantic search in household energy consumption segmentation through descriptive characterization”, Proceedings of The 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2019), November 13-14, 2019, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States [Acceptance Rate: 21% - in the category]


C40) Khaghnai, F., Rahimi-Golkhandan, A., Jazizadeh, F., & Garvin, M., 2019, “Urban Transportation System Resilience and Diversity Coupling using Large-scale Taxicab GPS Data”, Proceedings of The 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys 2019), November 13-14, 2019, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States [Acceptance Rate: 21% - in the category]


C39) Abedi, M. & Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Deep-Learning for Occupancy Detection via Doppler Radar and Infrared Thermal Array Sensors”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISRAC 2019), vol. 36, pp. 1098-1105, May 21-24, 2019, Banff, AB, Canada


C38) Jung, W. & Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Spatial Efficacy of Respiration Monitoring using Doppler Radars for Comfort Assessment”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISRAC 2019), vol. 36, pp. 1034-1041, May 21-24, 2019, Banff, AB, Canada


C37) Afzalan, M. & Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Investigating the Appliance Use Patterns on the Households Electricity Load Shapes from Smart Meters”, i3CE 2019: International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 17-18, 2019, Georgia, GA, United States

C36) Jung, W. & Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Feasibility Assessment of Heat Flux Sensors for Human-in-the-loop HVAC Operations”, i3CE 2019: International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 17-18, 2019, Georgia, GA, United States [Invited for a journal paper in the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering

C35) Rahimi-Golkhandan, A., Khaghani, F., Garvin, M., Jazizadeh, F. 2019, “Assessing the Relationship between Transportation Diversity and Road Network Congestion Using Participatory-Sensing Data”, i3CE 2019: International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 17-18, 2019, Georgia, GA, United States 

[Invited for a journal paper in the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

C34) Afzalan, M. & Jazizadeh, F., Ahmadian, M.,  2019, “A Machine Learning Approach for Track Condition Assessment Through Repeated Historical Data Analytics”, Proceedings of the 2019 ASME Joint Rail Conference, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, April 10-12, 2019, Snowbird, UT, United States [Nominated for Best Paper Award]


C33) Afzalan, M., Jazizadeh, F., 2018, “Efficient Integration of Smart Appliances for Demand Response Programs”, Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, BuildSys 2018, 7-8 November 2018, Shenzhen, China [Acceptance Rate: 30%] [Invited for a journal paper to be published in IEEE Embedded System Letter

C32) Jazizadeh, F., Afzalan, M., Becerik-Gerber, B., Soibelman, L., 2018, “EMBED: A Dataset for Energy Monitoring through Building Electricity Disaggregation”, The Ninth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, ACM e-Energy 2018, 12-15 June 2018, Karlsruhe, Germany [Acceptance Rate: 30%]

C31) Abedi, M., Jazizadeh, F., Huang, B., Battaglia, F., 2018, “Enhanced HVAC Systems - Adjustable Airflow Direction”, the 25th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, EG-ICE 2018, 10-13 June 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland 

C30) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2018, “Multi-Occupancy Indoor Condition Optimization in Consideration of Thermal Sensitivity”, the 25th International Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, EG-ICE 2018, 10-13 June 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland 

C29) Khaghani, F., Jazizadeh, F., 2018, “From Waze Reports to Resilience Measurement: Mega-events and Transportation System Response”, the 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE 2018, 5-7 June 2018, Tampere, Finland 

C28) Jung, W., Jazizadeh, F., 2018, “Towards Non-Intrusive Metabolic Rate Evaluation for HVAC Control”, the 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE 2018, 5-7 June 2018, Tampere, Finland

C27) Khaghani, F. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “Resilience in Urban Transportation: Toward A Participatory Sensing-Based Framework”, Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, BuildSys 2017, 8-9 November 2017, Delft, the Netherland [Acceptance Rate: 31%]

C26) Jung, W. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “Towards Human-Sensors for Thermoregulation-Based HVAC Control”, Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, BuildSys 2017, 8-9 November 2017, Delft, the Netherland [Acceptance Rate: 31%]

C25) Jung, W. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “Non-intrusive detection of respiration for smart control of HVAC system”, IWCCE 2017: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 25-27, 2017, Seattle, WA, United States

C24) Wang, J. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “Towards light intensity assisted non-intrusive electricity disaggregation”, IWCCE 2017: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, June 25-27, 2017, Seattle, WA, United States

C23) Afzalan, M. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “On the Scalability of a LED-based Indoor Positioning System”, IWCCE 2017: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Seattle, WA, United States

C22) Khaghani, F. & Jazizadeh, F. 2017, “Mutual effect of building sections on energy retrofit planning”, CSCE Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting, Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure, May 31 – June 3, 2017, Vancouver, CA.

​C21) Jazizadeh, F. & Pradeep, S. 2016, "Can computers visually quantify human thermal comfort?", The Third ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, BuildSys 2016, November 16-18, 2016, Stanford University, CA, USA. [Acceptance Rate: 15% in the category] [Invited Paper to be published in a Special Issue of Applied Energy]

C20) Jazizadeh, F., Taleghani, M., 2016 "Towards urban facilities energy performance evaluation using remote sensing", International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction, ICSDEC2016, May 18 - 20, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 2016.

C19) Jazizadeh, F., Wang, J., 2016 "Artificial versus natural light source identification with light intensity sensors for energy monitoring", International Conference on Sustainable Design, Engineering and Construction, ICSDEC2016, May 18 - 20, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 2016.

C18) Dabiri, S., Jazizadeh, F., 2016 "Exploring video based thermal perception identification", 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE2016, July 6 - 8, Osaka, Japan, 2016.

C17) Jazizadeh, F., Izadi, A., 2016 "Decision making approach for resiliency based rehabilitation planning of water distribution networks", 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, ICCCBE2016, July 6 - 8, Osaka, Japan, 2016.

C16) Jazizadeh, F., 2016 "Building energy monitoring realization: context-aware event detection algorithms for non-intrusive electricity disaggregation", CRC 2016: Construction Research Congress, May 2016, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2016.

C15) Jazizadeh, F., Becerik-Gerber, B., Berges, M. & Soibelman, L. 2014, "Unsupervised clustering of residential electricity consumption measurements for facilitated user-centric non-intrusive load monitoring", the International Society for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering ICCCBE2014, June 23-25, 2014, Orlando, Florida, 2014, pp. 1869-1876. [Invited Paper to be published in a Special Issue of Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering]

C14) Mansourifard, P., Jazizadeh, F., Krishnamachari, B., Becerik-Gerber, B. 2013 "Online learning for personalized room-level thermal control: a multi-armed bandit framework", The fifth ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings, Buildsys 2013, November 13-14, 2013, Italy. [Acceptance Rate: 39%]

C13) Jazizadeh, F., Becerik-Gerber, B., Berges, M. & Soibelman, L. 2013, "Towards passive training for non-intrusive load monitoring", in Proceedings of the 2013 International EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing, July 1-3, 2013, Vienna, Austria, 2013. [Best Paper Award Nominee - Invited Paper to be published in a Special Issue of Advanced Engineering Informatics]

C12) Jazizadeh, F., Ghahramani, A., Becerik-Gerber, B., Kichkaylo, T. & Orosz, M. 2013, "Personalized thermal comfort driven control in HAVC operated office buildings", IWCCE 2013: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 23-25, 2013, American Society of Civil Engineers, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2013, pp. 218-225. [Best Paper Award Nominee - Invited Paper to be published in a Special Issue of Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering]

C11) Jazizadeh, F. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2012, "Toward adaptive comfort management in office buildings using participatory sensing for end user driven control of building systems", Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Workshop on Embedded Sensing Systems for Energy-Efficiency in Buildings, Buildsys 2012, November 6, 2012, Toronto, Canada, 2012, pp. 1-8. [Acceptance Rate: 28%] [Best Paper Award Nominee]

C10) Jahanshahi, M.R., Jazizadeh, F., Masri, S.F. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2012, "A novel system for road surface monitoring using an inexpensive infrared laser sensor", Proceedings of the SPIE 2012: Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, March 12-15, 2012, International Society for Optical Engineering, San Diego, CA, United States, 2012, pp. 834520-834526.

C9) Jazizadeh. F., Becerik-Gerber, B. 2012, "A novel method for non-intrusive load monitoring of lighting systems in commercial buildings", IWCCE 2012: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 17-20, 2012, American Society of Civil Engineers, Clearwater Beach, FL, United States, 2012, pp. 523-530. [Best Paper Award Nominee - Invited Paper to be published in a Special Issue of Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering]

C8) Jazizadeh. F., Kavulya. G., Kwak. J., Becerik-Gerber. B. & Tambe. M. 2012 "Human-building interaction for energy conservation in office buildings", CRC 2012: Construction Research Congress, May 21-23, 2012, West Lafayette, IN, United States, 2012.

C7) Kwak, J.Y., Varakantham, P., Maheswaran, R., Tambe, M., Jazizadeh, F., Kavulya, G., Klein, L., Becerik-Gerber, B., Hayes, T., & Wood, W. 2012, "SAVES: a sustainable multiagent application to conserve building energy considering occupants", in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems-Volume 1 (AAMAS), June 4-8, 2012, Valencia, Spain, 2012. [Acceptance Rate: 20.4%]

C6) Kwak, J.Y., Varakantham, P., Tambe, M., Klein, L., Jazizadeh, F., Kavulya, G., Becerik-Gerber, B., Gerber, D. 2011, "Towards optimal planning for distributed coordination under uncertainty in energy domains", Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES) at AAMAS, Taipei, Taiwan, 2011.

C5) Klein, L., Kavulya, G., Jazizadeh, F., Kwak, J., Becerik-Gerber, B., Varakantham, P. & Tambe, M. 2011, "Towards Optimization of Building Energy and Occupant Comfort Using Multi-agent Simulation", in Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction (ISARC), June 29 – July 2, 2011, Seoul, Korea, 2011.

C4) Kavulya, G., Jazizadeh, F. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2011. "Effects of color, distance, and incident angle on quality of 3D point clouds" IWCCE 2011: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, American Society of Civil Engineers, Miami, FL, United States, 2011, pp. 169-177.

C3) Jazizadeh, F., Kavulya, G., Klein, L. & Becerik-Gerber, B. 2011, "Continuous sensing of occupant perception of indoor ambient factors", IWCCE 2011: International Workshop of Computing in Civil Engineering, June 19-22, 2011, American Society of Civil Engineers, Miami, FL, United States, 2011, pp. 161-168

C2) Jazizadeh, F. & Zarrati, A.R. 2006, "Numerical modeling of boundary shear stress distribution in compound channel flow", Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, September 2006, Philadelphia, USA,.

C1) Jazizadeh, F., Zarrati, A.R. 2005, "Development of a Three Dimensional Shallow Water Numerical Model for Free Surface Flow", in Proceeding of 5th Iranian Hydraulic Conference, November 8-10, 2005, Kerman, Iran. (In Persian)

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